
Who is part of the BSE research community?

Researchers at the Barcelona School of Economics include BSE Affiliated Professors, BSE Research Fellows, post-docs, visitors, and PhD students in the IDEA-UAB and UPF doctoral programs.

Affiliated Professors

Affiliated Professors are tenured or tenure-track faculty members from the BSE academic units. They form the core of all BSE educational and research activities. They direct and teach in the BSE Master's programs, summer schools, and executive education courses and in-company training; organize research events such as the BSE Summer Forum; and serve in leadership roles that shape the evolution of BSE at an institutional level.

Directory of Affiliated Professors

Other members of the research community

BSE Research Fellows
Post-doctoral Researchers
Marina Bannikova (UAB and BSE) PhD, Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Nicolas Bianco (UPF and BSE) PhD, University of Padova
Michela Bonani (UPF and BSE) PhD, Tilberg University
Mario Carillo (UPF and BSE) PhD, Brown University
Jacint Enrich (BSE) PhD, Toulouse School of Economics
Alexandros Gelastopoulos (UPF and BSE) PhD, Boston University
Anna Gibert (MOVE, UAB and BSE) PhD,  European University Institute
Jack Jewson (UPF and BSE) PhD, Oxford-Warwick Statistics Programme (OxWaSP)
Pierre Magontier (UPF and BSE) PhD, Universitat de Barcelona
Rasim Mutlu (UPF and BSE)  PhD, Université de Lausanne
Chara Papioti (UPF and BSE) PhD, European University Institute
Clàudia Serra-Sala (BSE) PhD, Universitat de Barcelona
Carlos Suárez Acosta (UPF and BSE) PhD, Universitat de Barcelona
Déborah Sulem (BSE) PhD, University of Oxford
Philippo Tassinari (UPF and BSE) PhD, Universitat de Barcelona
Rui-Ray Zhang (BSE) PhD, Monash University, Melbourne
Visiting Researchers

Researchers visiting the BSE academic units for three months or more

Juan Carlos Bou Universitat Jaume I Visiting UPF
Federica Ciochetta Banca d'Italia Visiting UPF
Mathieu Couttenier ENS de Lyon Visiting UPF
Nicolás Figueroa Universidad de Chile Visiting UPF
Sophie Hatte ENS de Lyon Visiting UPF
Rafael Hortolà London School of Economics Visiting IAE-CSIC
David Jiménez-Gómez University of Alicante Visiting IAE-CSIC
Elaine M. Liu University of Houston Visiting UPF
Francesca Loria United States Federal Reserve Board of Governors Visiting UPF
Jérémy Lucchetti  University of Geneva Visiting IAE-CSIC
Alexander Ludwig Goethe University Frankfurt Visiting UPF
Emilia Simeonova Johns Hopkins University Carey School of Business Visiting UPF
Alexander Apt Smith United States Military Academy, West Point Visiting UPF
Pilar Sorribas University of Barcelona and IPEG Visiting IAE-CSIC
Marta Troya-Martínez New Economics School Visit UAB
PhD Students

Alphabetical listing of doctoral students in the two PhD programs organized jointly with the BSE (IDEA at UAB and GPEFM at UPF):

Lara Deniz Alper UPF and BSE
Gabriela de Carvalho Meira Araujo UAB and BSE
Tristany Armangué UAB and BSE
Daniel Banki UPF and BSE
Elia Benveniste UPF and BSE
Diego Bohorquez UPF and BSE
Ayah Bohsali UPF and BSE
Felipe Bordini do Amaral UPF and BSE
Konstantin Boss UAB and BSE
Sophie Brochet UAB and BSE
Davide Busnelli UPF and BSE
Jose Amilcar Camilo UPF and BSE
Alperen Canbey UPF and BSE
Carolina Castañeda UPF and BSE
Josefina Cenzon UPF and BSE
Marco Antonio Ceron UPF and BSE
Alessandro Cerusico UPF and BSE
Proudfong Chamornchan UAB and BSE
Somone Cigna UPF and BSE
Ignacio Crespo UPF and BSE
Isabel Da Silva Figueiras UPF and BSE
Shubhdeep Deb UPF and BSE
Daniel Dejuan UPF and BSE
Joseph Emmens UAB and BSE
Pia Ennuschat UPF and BSE
Lauri Esala UPF and BSE
Yameng Fan UPF and BSE
Maxim Fedotov UPF and BSE
Marta Garcia Rodriguez UAB and BSE
Valeria Gargiulo UPF and BSE
Antonio Giribaldi UPF and BSE
Maddalena Grignani UPF and BSE
Horia Guias UPF and BSE
Charlotte Hervy UPF and BSE
Jacob Hess UAB and BSE
Wei-Liang Hsu UAB and BSE
Jiaming Huang UPF and BSE
Marco Irisarri UPF and BSE
Hirotaka Ito UPF and BSE
Nathan Jones UPF and BSE
Georgios Karelas UPF and BSE
Sandra Kaya UPF and BSE
Sixuan Li UPF and BSE
Jiayi Lin UPF and BSE
Zidong Lin UPF and BSE
Jiaxun Liu UPF and BSE
Luca Looser UPF and BSE
Miquel Lorente Palau UPF and BSE
Raquel Lorenzo UPF and BSE
Madalena Luz Gaspar UPF and BSE
Joan Margalef España UAB and BSE
Joshua Mascord UPF and BSE
Luis Ignacio Menéndez García UAB and BSE
Defne Mevsim UAB and BSE
Claudia Meza Cuadra UPF and BSE
Vladislav Morozov UPF and BSE
Elliot Motte UPF and BSE
Gustavo Noguera UAB and BSE
Nicolás Oviedo UAB and BSE
Kadir Ozen UPF and BSE
Helena Palumbo UPF and BSE
Carlo Pavanello UPF and BSE
Eva Perez-Martel UAB and BSE
Tom Pesso UPF and BSE
Alberto Pobbe UPF and BSE
Makar Pravosud UPF and BSE
Milan Quentel UPF and BSE
Sergi Quintana Garcia UAB and BSE
Alejandro Rabano UPF and BSE
Tancredi Rapone UAB and BSE
Paul Richter UPF and BSE
Maria Romero UPF and BSE
José Nicolas Rosas UPF and BSE
Gianmarco Ruzzier UPF and BSE
Andrea Salvanti UPF and BSE
Hayk Sargsyan UPF and BSE
Franziska Schwingeler UPF and BSE
Christoph Semken UPF and BSE
Patrick Sewell UPF and BSE
Evangelia Spantidaki UPF and BSE
Andrea Sy UPF and BSE
Chanon Techasunthornwat UAB and BSE
Andrea Terreri Rodrigues UPF and BSE
Alessandra Testa UAB and BSE
Philipp Tiozzo UPF and BSE
Antonio Villani UPF and BSE
Yaping Wang UPF and BSE
Martin Wiegand UPF and BSE
Robert Wojciechowski UPF and BSE
Anqi Ye UPF and BSE
Simone Zanella UPF and BSE
Boyao Zhang UAB and BSE
Conghan Zheng UAB and BSE
Georgii Zherebilov UPF and BSE
Feng Zhou UPF and BSE
Kangle Zhu UPF and BSE

Directory of BSE Affiliated Professors and Research Fellows

Search by name, by research area, or by the programs in which they teach: