Comparing BSEM and EUPD Estimates for Two-Group SB-MTMM Experiments

Authors: Albert Satorra and

Structural Equation Modeling, Vol. 26, No 5, 745-749, March, 2019

In 2018, two different approaches have been suggested to solve the estimation problems that have been detected during the analysis of the data of the two-group split ballot multi-trait multi-method (SB-MTMM experiments performed in many countries between 2002 and 2010 in the European Social Survey). One group suggested using the Bayesian estimation. The other group suggested a new estimation procedure (EUPD) that makes use of the pooled data across the different countries. In this note, we present a comparison of the results of the two approaches on the same generated data, which are comparable with the data that created problems in the ESS.